Brigitte-Reimann-House of Literature Brigitte Reimann (21.07.1933 – 20.02.1973)

In 1968 the German writer Brigitte Reimann moved from the sober new town Hoyerswerda to the friendlier Neubrandenburg with its old gates, churches and the medieval rampart. She had success with her books “Die Frau am Pranger”, “Ankunft im Alltag” and “Die Geschwister”. Now she has worked for several years on her novel “Franziska Linkerhand” which she called her “first and only decent book” and which absolutely had to be finished; just before her move to Neubrandenburg she has been operated on cancer the first time. Until her death in 1973 she lived in Gartenstraße 6 in a small ground floor apartment of an old, small villa with oriel, terrace and romantic garden.

Today, the Literature Center is based in the Brigitte-Reimann-House of Literature, a meeting place for authors, academics, publicists and literature enthusiasts. The Literature Center’s archive on regional literary history is open to researchers, teachers and students. A permanent exhibition in the Literaturhaus commemorates the writer Brigitte Reimann.

Further information:

Gartenstraße 6
17033 Neubrandenburg

Touristinfo Neubrandenburg

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  • counselling and sale of souvenirs
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  • maps for cycling and hiking
  • ticketing and many others

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Opening Times

Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Please note our special opening times during city-centre events


Touristinfo Neubrandenburg
Marktplatz 1
17033 Neubrandenburg

Tel.: 0395 55 95127

City of Four Gates on Lake Tollensesee