Bars & Clubs

Discothek Colosseum Neubrandenburg
An der Hochstr. 4,  Tel.: 0395 7077901

Discothek Archiv 27
Woldegker Str. 27

Jahnstraße 3c,  Tel.: 0395 5553928

Kultkneipe KONI Neubrandenburg
Friedrich-Engels-Ring 52,  Tel.: 0395 5823620

Last Order Englisch Pub
Gerichtsstr. 2b,  Tel.: 0395 5683122

Rumpelkammer Neubrandenburg
Friedrich-Engels-Ring 55,  Tel.: 0395 5683939

The Quaich – die Wisk(e)y – Lounge
Neutorstr. 32,  Tel.: 0395 5553347

Wiekhaus “Winehouse,  Bar, Cocktaillounge”
4. Ringstr. 45,  Tel.: 0395 5683030

Mohnblau Milchbar
Am Güterbahnhof 5,  Tel.: 0395 5691 8577

Touristinfo Neubrandenburg

  • accommodation office
  • counselling and sale of souvenirs
  • placing of guided journeys and city tours
  • information and brochures about the city and environment
  • information and offers for an accessible holiday
  • maps for cycling and hiking
  • ticketing and many others

Book your journey and your personal adventures with us. We will be happy to advice you!

Geprüfte Touristinformation Europäische Route der Backsteingotik

Opening Times

Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Please note our special opening times during city-centre events


Touristinfo Neubrandenburg
Marktplatz 1
17033 Neubrandenburg

Tel.: 0395 55 95127

City of Four Gates on Lake Tollensesee